Unlock movie marketing success with these 3 expert strategies

Unlock movie marketing success with these 3 expert strategies

Learn how to captivate audiences, boost engagement, and drive success with proven tips and insights to boost your movie marketing strategy.


A strong movie marketing strategy is paramount these days when you’re competing for audience attention, not just against other movie studios but also against FAST channels and social media. Statista predicted that in 2024, the global box office revenue will reach US$38.99bn, validating that competition is fierce. As Jon Favreau puts it, "If you’re playing with the big train set – on big movies – it’s a lot of money they’re entrusting you with, and you have to get that money back for them.”

In a terrain this competitive, movie marketers have to harness every tool and strategy available to them to make their movies stand out, from creating compelling trailers, to engaging social media content and strategic partnerships. The stakes are high, and with the right marketing approach, a movie can achieve remarkable success, capturing the hearts and minds of audiences worldwide.

Tip 1: High-quality dubbing is your biggest differentiator

A key aspect of an effective movie marketing strategy is ensuring that your film reaches as wide an audience as possible. High-quality dubbing plays a critical role in this by making movies accessible to non-native speakers. By providing accurate and emotionally resonant dubbing, filmmakers can break language barriers and engage a global audience, enhancing the film's marketability and viewer satisfaction.

Deepdub’s unique AI-enhanced dubbing technology significantly upgrades the quality of dubbed content, making it a vital tool for filmmakers aiming to expand their market reach. To create the most authentic dubbed content that truly enhances your marketing strategy, we employ a number of features, such as: 

  • eTTS™ (Emotional Text-to-Speech): Creates natural-sounding voices that capture the nuances of human speech to ensure the dubbed version retains the original's emotional depth. 
  • Voice to Voice: This advanced feature combines artificial intelligence with real actors' performances to create multiple voices using the vocal skills of just a few artists. By replicating the original actor's voice in another language, it maintains vocal consistency, which is crucial for character integrity and viewer immersion. Additionally, it allows marketing campaigns to highlight the seamless transition between languages, appealing to a diverse audience.
  • Accent Control: Customizing accents to fit cultural and regional preferences makes the dubbing feel more authentic to local audiences. This can be a unique selling point in marketing materials, emphasizing the tailored experience provided to different demographics.

Deepdub has already contributed to the success of a number of foreign language productions through high-quality dubbing, such as the true-crime series "Forensic Files," which saw increased viewership and a broader fan base by making content accessible in multiple languages, and the thriller "SWARM".

Tip 2: Ensure your trailers are dubbed 

Localized trailers help convey the film's emotional tone and key messages effectively, ensuring that viewers from different regions understand and connect with the story. Accurate dubbing ensures that the voices in the trailer match the original actors' emotions and expressions, maintaining the trailer's impact across different languages. This enhances the overall appeal of the film, making it more attractive to a diverse audience. But how many languages do you dub your film into?

For post-production teams seeking to create captivating trailers that resonate with diverse audiences, Deepdub Go offers exceptional control and versatility. With features like dialog isolation, lip movement and timing sync control, cultural and linguistic adaptation, and fine-tuning sound quality, teams can easily craft polished dubs that maintain the authenticity of the original content. Additionally, Deepdub Go provides transcription in 80+ languages with a unified glossary, automatic translation, and adaptation control to further empower teams to streamline the localization process and deliver stunning trailers.

A quick online search shows that you should consider 5 criteria when dubbing your trailers:

  1. Identify countries where your film genre is popular and prioritize languages spoken in those regions.
  2. Consider the age, gender, and cultural preferences of your potential audience.
  3. Look at the performance of similar films in various regions and prioritize high-performing areas.
  4. Monitor social media to gauge interest levels in different countries.
  5. Consider the platforms available in different markets and their preferences for dubbed content.

Tip 3: Get more audience engagement with dubbed Q&A sessions

Hosting Q&A sessions with dubbing significantly enhances audience engagement, especially for international fans. We also recommend adding subtitles to aid in accessibility. Making content accessible to non-native speakers allows fans from different linguistic backgrounds to understand and participate in the sessions. When audiences can interact in their own language, they are more likely to engage, ask questions, and participate in discussions.

Multilingual Q&A sessions can also attract a wider audience, boosting your film's visibility and creating a global community of engaged fans. They can also show that you value fans from everywhere in the world. There are some tips we recommend to maximize audience engagement when running these sessions:

  1. Announce the Q&A session well in advance across all social media platforms. To attract a broader audience, highlight the availability of multiple languages.
  2. Use targeted ads to reach specific language groups. For example, create separate ads in different languages to ensure the message reaches the intended audience.
  3. Share short, engaging teasers or clips of previous Q&A sessions with subtitles or dubbing to generate interest and excitement.
  4. Encourage fans to submit questions in advance in their preferred language. This one is key to ensuring you’re prepared!
  5. After the session, share highlights or key takeaways in different languages. This extends the life of the content and keeps the audience engaged even after the live event.

Experience how Deepdub can help your content break language barriers

Deepdub’s future-forward dubbing technology offers a significant growth opportunity for your movie marketing strategies. By providing high-quality, localized content through AI-assisted dubbing, emotional Text-to-Speech technology, and rapid turnaround times, Deepdub ensures your film can reach and resonate with global audiences to broaden your market reach.

About the author

Deepdub team

Meet the Deepdub team: a dynamic group of technology entrepreneurs, engineers, scientists, and dubbing specialists, all united by a passion for revolutionizing the entertainment industry. Our diverse expertise fuels our innovative AI dubbing and localization platform, enabling us to tackle the challenges of making content universally accessible and culturally relevant. Through our blog, we share insights and stories from our journey, showcasing the creativity and technology driving us forward. Join us in redefining the future of entertainment.

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