Deepdub AI audio API
Access Deepdub’s emotive Text-to-Speech API to create authentic, Hollywood-approved audio that resonates with global audiences.
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Trusted Enterprise Partner
Our dubbed content is trusted by top developers and businesses to deliver premium, AI-driven voice experiences.
Our API ensures seamless, real-time voice generation without compromising sound quality.
Take full control with adjustable accents, emotional tone, and vocal style.
Leverage our eTTS™ to create lifelike, emotionally resonant speech, elevating customer and learner experiences.
Access a diverse range of fully licensed voices in dozens of languages, ready to stream.
Built for global success with TPN certification, SOC 2, and GDPR compliance.
Chat with an agent anytime or schedule expert office hours for detailed guidance on your audio projects.
Join top enterprises using Deepdub’s API to deliver authentic, immersive audio on a global scale.
14-day free trial, no credit card required.
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Audio description & Audiobooks
Bring stories to life with expressive narration.
Promo & Commercial
Create compelling promo and commercial content.
Drama & Entertainment
Convey deep emotions and dramatic intensity for movies and series.
IVR & Customer support
Enhance customer interactions with friendly, clear automated responses
Documentary/Reality narration
Develop authoritative voiceovers for documentaries and reality shows.
Deliver news with clarity and a tone that fits the seriousness or casualness of the content.
Make dynamic and engaging commentary to capture the excitement of live sports.
Capture a wide range of characters with voices ranging from serious to whimsical.
Enhance training, customer service, and announcements with clear, professional voices.
Accent: Precisely adjust to match regional dialects
Seed: Customize voice uniqueness for each session.
Tempo: Seamlessly control the speed of speech.
Variance: Introduce natural variation into voice outputs.
14-day free trial, no credit card required.
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These customers have already harnessed the AI power of Deepdub
Absolutely! Deepdub ensures that you receive top-notch support throughout your integration process. Our platform includes a live chat feature where you can instantly connect with our support team. Additionally, we offer expert office hours, providing direct access to specialized guidance and assistance whenever you need it.
At Deepdub, you start with a 14-day free trial, which includes up to 10,000 characters, equivalent to roughly 10 minutes of content (1,000 characters per minute). After the trial, you can choose from time-based packages tailored to your needs, with fixed pricing for additional usage.
Sign up for our free trial using your business email to receive an invitation and a verification code for enhanced security. Once logged in, you'll land on the "Playground" dashboard where you can instantly begin creating with fast presets or our diverse selection of voices. An API key will already be generated for you, ready to use for seamless integration into your projects.
At Deepdub, your data security is our utmost priority. Our API is engineered with top-tier security features, including compliance with SOC2 and GDPR standards, robust end-to-end encryption, and an optional no-retention mode. This mode ensures that after your data is processed, it is not stored or retained, upholding the highest standards of data protection and privacy.
The Deepdub API is compatible with JavaScript and Python, allowing for straightforward integration into your projects whether you're working on web applications or data-driven environments.
Our API accommodates a range of audio formats to meet diverse technical needs. We support WAV (48kHz) for high-quality audio, MP3 for widespread use across web and mobile, ULAW for telephony, and uncompressed audio quality, ensuring seamless integration into various production workflows.
14-day free trial, no credit card required.
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